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Dallas is full of a bunch of “comedians” apparently…

April Fools is right around the corner and apparently, Dallas is a hotspot for pranksters. A study conducted by surveyed 3,000 US participants to determine how Americans feel about April 1, with 73% of respondents sharing a positive attitude towards the day. The study found that Dallas ranked second for having the most pranksters, with a third of respondents identifying the most. The most common April Fool's joke was jump scares, followed by prank calls and ding-dong ditch. Data also revealed that 83% of Texans think pranks are best conducted among friends rather than workplace or social media.

Dallas is full of a bunch of “comedians” apparently…

Yayınlanan : 2 ay önce ile Maiya Turner içinde

The video above is from a previous segment.

DALLAS (KDAF) — April Fools is right around the corner and apparently, Dallas is a hotspot for pranksters.

A new study says that Dallas came in second for having the most pranksters with 73% of respondents sharing a positive attitude towards April 1. The study conducted by, surveyed 3,000 US participants state-by-state to see how Americans actually felt about the day.

When it came to Texas, jump scares were a very popular April Fool’s joke with 56% of pranksters. This is followed by prank calls then ding-dong ditch (yes people are still ding-dong ditching in 2024).

Data also revealed that 83% of Texans think pranks are best pulled amongst friends, rather than in the workplace, social media, etc.

We are ready for all the funny business that may come our way April 1, are you?

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